Segment Or Segment Not — There Is No Try

If you try to be everything for everybody, you risk being nothing for nobody. Consistency in all leads to authenticity; It takes only a few missteps to unravel our efforts and lose traction with our audience.

Quick aside… basic segmentation rules: Large base, a base with the capacity to pay, a base you can effectively isolate for communication purposes, and a base that responds to a specific messaging set.

Sound practice. However, there is always the temptation to broaden the audience, broaden the message and pull in a few more sales. Don’t do that.

If a second segment warrants attention then create a completely independent program. Ideally a new site with a different product name and hyper focused messaging. The ability to white label software and spin out new sites makes this realistic. Emails and paid-search should be isolated instances.

Stay true to your brand or you’ll soon find you don’t have one!