A husband, father of 4 precocious monkeys, avid reader, triathlete, ultra runner, ultra-marathon swimmer and all-around adventurer. Blessed with a career I love. eCommerce has been my passion for +22 years — the need to constantly evolve makes each workday a new and unique challenge. From the early days of flashing graphics to fully integrated branding, revenue-driving sales channels. From leading and inspiring truly exceptional teams to geeking out on data…. passion inspires drive and drive gets results.

I've 1) onboarded and trained ~70 new staff, 2) had a seat at the table or manned the helm in onboarding and integrating 12 businesses, acquired through M&A, into our SOP program and 3) excelled under every variation of ownership from venture capital, publically traded, and entrepreneurial driven. That is what makes me unique.

Truths From 22 Years in eCommerce

  1. Measure everything. If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
  2. Test your way to change.
  3. Technology is there to serve you, not the other way around.
  4. Less is better. Optimize with focus and then expand.
  5. Every tool has a strength and a weakness. Synergize them.
  6. If you’ve measured right then there is never failure. Just learning.
  7. Don’t overthink. Google, read, learn, try, iterate.
  8. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
  9. If you have a nail, keep it simple – use the damn hammer!!!