Reporting: Pipe Deliminators in Campaign Names

Employ strict nomenclature in campaign naming. Combine 5-7 data points into single fields so reports are more robust. Create dashboards with multiple dimensions. We use this reporting hack for paid search, email marketing and in-product messaging.

EDM (eMail Marketing) example: Each campaign name combines 6 dimensions. Each dimension is separated with a pipe deliminator to allow unpacking . Since our ESP added account level JS to autotag all links in our eDMS we know all activity is tracked. The basic GA utm_parameters (campaiugn, source, medium) pass automatically into GA with every click.

A typical campaign name is: 18-04-11|Launch|CDGS|W1_Trialers|CA|Int .

  • 18-04-11: Send date (to organize the dashboard chronologically)
  • Launch: Type of email. i.e. Sale, Upgrade, Automated Etc…
  • CDGS: Product being offered
  • W1_Trialers: User base being targeted
  • CA: Country being targeted
  • Int: First send or reminder?

The eDM dashboard, merges ESP and GA data each night. The dashboard uses =split(“|”,xx) to unpack the 6 dimensions into their own columns. The result is a fully automated and robust repository of every email sent to our base. No chance of a human forgetting to add a row.

The eDM dashboard is then filterable by send date, type of email, product being advertised, user base we are targeting, country, and whether it’s an initial or reminder email. All merged with emails sent, opened, clicked as well as orders and revenue data.

Bonus: Use a google sheet to ensure consistency. Use drop downs for Country etc.. to ensure data is rigid and also add formatting to date fields. The formula in column A does the work (i.e =B2&”|”&C2&”|”& D2&”|”&E2&”|”& F2